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To the little girl within me chasing her Big writing dreams... this Writer blog is for her!

Welcome to 365 Pages A Year, my unique little writing space about everything and anything.

Having worked twenty years in health care while simultaneously juggling an acting career as a proud ACTRA member, while also raising a family, I didn't think I'd ever find myself in the role of full time student. But there I was September 2021, a full time student in a post graduate Screenwriting & Narrative Design program. I jumped into my writing with both scaled feet hot off the burn of Covid. I immersed myself into my writing, granting myself permission to be a vessel for creativity. While also granting myself permission to be the oldest student in the class. Ageism, it's real.

This blog was created as a commitment to myself to write one page every single day for one entire year.

Inspired by a professor who had at the time asked

"Is your writing even finished if no one has read it?".

Fair Question.

So whatever is on my mind, whatever I feel like writing about, that is what this Blog is.

After reaching my goal of one page a day for one year, I relinquished myself of that rigid commitment.

But this space still remains a free fall of thoughts entwined with an emotional out pouring of words, you just never know when something new will pop up.

So if grammatical structure, APA or strict timelines are your thing, this unstructured style may simply irk you. 

And that's valid.

But at the same time it may possibly open you up to see bits of life from a fresh pliable view.

Either way, Read on.

I'm crossing fingers that you'll enjoy. 

P.S. ~ Like a good book, this site reads best from Page One posted on January 1st 2022

Home: Welcome


Simply put, today has been a good day. No where to be. No lists to check. Just time to do ~ whatever I want to do. Lazy dinner being...

Would You?

If you could go back in time and change something in your life, Would You? Something you could delete. Or retract. Or add. Or adjust. Or...

Creature of Habit

My husband loves our dog. HE really loves her. He talks baby talk to her and gives her the most enormous amount of affection. He makes...


Today I'm working when I shouldn't be or thought I wouldn't be. MY mind is jumbled about what day of the week it is. I've had a mish-mash...


Our son stepped on the plane to fly back to the West Coast this morning. I can't help but feel that a large part of my heart and soul...

Fall from your Mouth

Another blow up between people of catastrophic proportions during the pandemic was of course the varying opinions of the vaccine. Some...

At Times

I don't speak of this often or at least I don't recall doing so here. And I feel this may be a bit of rant, because there are things that...

Like Old Times

I've always liked cooking a "Sunday Dinner". But not only the cooking, the planning, the deciding, the preparing. Something that takes...

Face Time

My son Face-Timed me tonight. He asked what I was doing... I admitted that I was watching some mindless Reality TV. He had a little smirk...


I don't know how to do it. To not ache. I miss my kid sooooo much. He's no longer a kid but he'll always be my kid. The baby of the...

Be Where You Are

We went to an out of town physician appointment today. A visit to my husband's specialist. He is wise man. The physician that is. I mean,...


With the change of the season I have become obsessed with Vegan Leather... pencil skirts, all the pants ~ joggers, flared, tapered, all...

Sunday Confessions

This might be a riff off of an old thought, but it's still presently a thought. So that tells me it's something worth discussing. When...

Pink Pop

Officially known as Cream Soda. When I was around ten years old, maybe even younger, I was taught how to play Euchre But it was never a...


This is blog post 284. Two Hundred & Eighty Four. It's something. I will say that I am going to pat myself on the back for sticking to...

Nine Days Ago

If we had taken another path, decided upon another choice, we'd be living across the country right now. My husband was offered a job that...

Thanksgiving Monday

The real holiday. The actual holiday. Which we call Thanksgiving Monday. But in all reality, it's just 'Thanksgiving'. I don't know where...

Thanksgiving Sunday

A lot of us do this in Canada ~ We celebrate the holiday, the day before the actual holiday. Which I am okay with. All the work and...


If you were to ask a few of the girls from work about pants, they'd tell you I've shared a few stories. When we hear the word 'Pants' it...

Bruised Emotions & PP Contests

Warning! If you are the slightest bit prudish or easily offended by a smallest crude-ish slang word, Do Not Continue to read this Blog...

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