A New Year.
A New Chapter to this blog.
I'm not sure if it will be another 365 pages ~
but there will be pages.
I have some new goals that I've set for myself,
new aspirations,
new challenges,
all very time consuming...
so I'm giving myself the leeway to pick & chose when I come here to write.
The last 365 days,
the commitment to write 365 pages in that time frame
was a goal that I set for myself and tackled with full commitment.
And yesterday I reached the finish line.
Mission Accomplished.
But as I mentioned yesterday it was a feat.
There were days that I wrote
from a place of commitment,
not solely from my heart.
And it was reflected in my words.
I don't want this chapter to be about commitment,
only about heart.
So with the setting down of those new rules,
I'll move onto Resolutions.
I have never really been one for “New Year’s Resolutions”
& for the sake of continuity, I am still not.
I mean I did half-heartedly make them when I was younger
because it was the 'thing' to do.
Or the Peer Pressure,
someone saying "it's what you 'have' to do",
that sorta thing.
But I'm a grown up
and an independent thinker,
so I'm not making one.
And as I reflect back on the last year...
you've heard me reflect here in real time,
day by day,
throughout the year ~
so I'll stop at that.
No need for reflection.
And I am not making a resolution,
BUT I am making a New Year Vow.
The same one that I've made for the past two years.
I Vow to take not only A moment everyday,
but Many moments each & every day
to reconnect with the inner peace that I felt when I took this photo.
I mean, can you imagine the peace of being alone on a vacant beach at 6:53am in Cabo.
Watching the sun rise.
Latte in hand.
Only the sound of waves.
No matter how negative the environment or how toxic the energy ~ I vow to do my best to not let the negativity spill onto me.
Because I know that is a part of someone else’s journey, not mine.
And No matter what obstacles or intensities or struggles appear on my path,
I vow to myself to find the peace within, that I felt when taking this photo.
Now I hope you'll take a moment to Vow something to yourself.