Does anyone else well up with tears listening to Christmas music?
Not necessarily tears of sadness
but tears just the same.
Welling up on my drive to work,
welling up on my drive home.
I love Christmas Music.
I'm even listening to it now as I type.
Love the cheesiness.
Love the joy.
Depending on my mood, the genre may switch up a bit.
MY childhood fav's like Elvis and Dolly & Kenny.
Or current new takes on sounds of the season.
I love the heart of the lyrics.
Love the longing that it speaks of ~
of hearts, of needs, of wants.
Love the hope it fills me with.
Love the pureness to speaks to of the reason of the season.
I Love all the lyrics ~
right down to the hippopotamus.
All of it.
Love them all.
Love the memories that flash through my mind.
Thoughts of holidays past,
holidays still to be.
Family present and family that has passed.
Family near and family far.
All the feels thinking of My kids,
when they were kids.
Shifting into thoughts of myself as a child.
Vivid memories that well up the feelings.
Embracing the gift of giving,
the gift of love
the joy that it brings to my heart.