Today is International Daughter Day.
Did these days always exist?
I am a daughter.
Why did I not know this?
It seems that there is a new International Day,
or at the very least one that I become aware of,
each year.
It's wonderful,
it is.
I'm not trying to diminish anything about any of the Days.
But the one thing that I know in my life that is also wonderful...
is that my daughter knows that I love her,
every day.
Not only today, on this International Daughter Day.
I tell her that I love her, everyday.
I show her, everyday.
I am blessed to be able to hug her everyday.
So I celebrate her, every day.
Even if it's only Iittle itty bitty ways.
They are still ways ~
Which I know she appreciates.
And everyday is a lot of days,
but heck ~
she's worth it.
Happy International Daughter Day
to my one and only.