That’s the time I woke.
And I could still sleep some more.
In fact, I will.
My head is pounding,
my throat is raw,
my chest is heavy,
my cough is nothing short of gross.
I feel as if I snorted Pop Rocks Candy
and they're crackling & bursting around in my sinus'
and the nausea
ebbs & flows.
I know you're probably sick of reading about this.
Trust me,
I'm sick of feeling this way.
I slept for more than 12 hours straight.
Minus the few times I flitted my eyelids
to little pitter patter of paws
and the sound of sniffing around my bed.
"I'm ok Hazel".
She's such a good girl.
The most soulful, nurturing dog.
Like many,
I woke to a blizzard.
Or at least what looks and sounds like one through the safety of my windows.
Our son has been Snowed in
On the West Coast
for days.
The Christmas Dinner
him & his partner were to share
with my Mother & Brother
has been postponed.
Or maybe even canceled.
Mother Nature has reared her head
and they are not geared for that much snow on the West coast.
And the distance for them to travel across the island is too far.
And unsafe.
We’re not snowed in yet,
Just locked down.
And we’ll stay this way until after Christmas.
We have Respect for the recommendations of Public Health.
And even more so,
We have respect for those We love.
So We will be having a very quaint & quiet Christmas.
No extended family this year.
No other immediate family either.
Just the 3 of Us.