… would I have told my teenage self?
I’d tell Her…
“You have it in you to be fierce,
No matter what you are told.”
"You are perfect on your own,
don't feel you Need someone to define you"
I'd tell Her that...
Is Not a form of love.”
“You are Not flawed."
"It's not your fault.
It is not Your fault.
It is Not Your fault."
I'd say...
"You are not to blame.
You Do Not Deserve This.”
I’d say that…
Should not be any part of a relationship.
Actually does mean No.
That saying is not a thing yet,
but it will be.”
I’d tell Her…
“There is someone out there
That you can talk to
who will listen
Without judgement.
Someone who will not
Blame you for what is happening.
Someone who won’t make you feel guilty or ashamed.
There is someone out there…
Who won’t say ~
I told you so. “
And I’d also tell Her…
“If you don’t say anything…
you’ll spend the rest of your life
Wishing that you had.
These days in your life will mold you
And shape you
And teach you something that you will believe
for a very long, long time…
You’ll believe somewhere deep within yourself
that you deserve
to be treated poorly,
that you are not worthy,
that you are less.
But that is so Not true.
You won’t respect yourself
You’ll openly accept disrespect
Keeping silent will not only
break down your self esteem
So very badly
But will it also break off a piece of your inner foundation
that you will spend the next 30 years trying to patch back together.”
That is what I would tell Her,
Or at the very least
that is where I would start.