This blog has been somewhat of a journey for me.
It's followed my journey
of returning to school
full time,
in a different field,
other than my majority money maker.
At my age.
That's somewhat unheard of.
When I first started this program
I had someone ask me
if I was taking time off work for my hobby?
I didn't give up my full time job
for a hobby ~
f#<k, at least I hope not anyway.
It made me realize
that some may think that I just
"signed up" for this program.
But that certainly wasn't the case.
It took a lot of work,
effort, time, talent and tears.
And it also made me realize
that some people
still do not view creativity and writing,
as an occupation.
Or a career.
And that's ok,
I have nothing to prove to those people.
So anyway,
this blog started
when I was inspired by a professor
to write
every day
that someone else
could read.
I met that professor
after I had met
a fork in the road.
A fork in the road
that presented itself
when I gave in
to the gnawing feeling
within myself
that it was time
for me
to FULLY open up
to something that I love.
To Give myself fully to something creative.
Not like the way I only half gave of myself to my acting career.
Or at times the way I gave three quarters of myself.
You only get what you give.
And when I gave, I received.
But I mean, time was different, I couldn't take a full time risk.
So I never received a full time reward.
But things change.
We change.
We realize what is more important.
At least sometimes we do.
So I opened myself up to a leap of faith.
A leap of faith
that came
after a lot of really hard work.
Work that I did in the background
unbeknownst to most...
but not to my family,
they've known of my writing goals for many, many years.
(*see photo attached to this blog post)
Many hours spent
in the background of my life,
taking many,
part time
writing courses...
creative writing,
novel writing,
All the writing.
After I had worked all day.
After I had met all of my personal life responsibilities
for the day.
I'd stow away
up to my office
and sit at my desk
and eventually
at a desk
that my children had gifted me
and Write.
And when my portfolio was solid
and the timing was perfect,
I applied to a program
knowing that IF accepted
it WAS meant to be.
So here I sit...
on the Eve
of the completion
of my Screenwriting Program.
What a journey it has been.