I met a lady today.
She was in a rough place.
A cluster of various emotions.
And very, very tearful.
She apologized for her tears.
Which is something I do.
So I quickly reassured her,
that her apologies were not necessary.
That she was in a safe space,
able to vent and cry all that she needed.
She couldn't get over the hiccup of apologizing.
Almost stuck in a loop.
Feeling I wouldn't understand all that she had to express.
So I did something,
that I never do in the environment that I was in.
I shared my life with her,
I told her that my husband had MS too.
It changed something in her.
It seemed to lighten her load.
It smoothed the furrow on her brow.
And I hope it made her burden of the day,
a little easier to carry.