With all the sleep and meds,
I’ve been having some wild dreams over the last few days.
Earlier I had a dream that our son & his partner came home for Christmas.
Nonchalantly they walked into the house with their smiles & luggage.
It filled my heart.
The dream warmed my soul.
But that’s not the plan this year.
An ironic blessing really, seeing how ill we are in this household.
It’s also a good thing that I was so ahead of the game this holiday season.
All gifts purchased, wrapped and placed under the tree
or sent in the mail
before the 12th of December.
Someone up there was looking out for me.
We all know how time consuming & hectic it is to get ready for the holiday.
All my husband has to do is show up on Christmas Morning...
I'm sure many of you can relate.
So I'm grateful that My Festive cheer and organization came early this year,
because now it’s all deflated.
Like a big, bright, festively decorated helium balloon
that has lost all of its air.