I shared two of my scripts with a close friend.
Which if you write,
you know that IS a BIG deal.
To expose yourself,
to someone who knows You.
It's different then letting
your work
be read by a professor
or a class mate.
It's different then submitting it to a competition
or asking for it
to be read by another writer.
TO open yourself up for critique
by someone you know
and love
is like being naked.
And I stripped for her because she asked.
And I knew she would invest her time
and her attention
to really read my work because she respects me
and supports me.
I sent her my Half Hour Comedy Pilot script first.
She admitted she had to get into the groove of reading a Script.
The Slug Lines.
The Actions.
The Characters.
The Dialogue.
The Camera directions ~ although minimal as a writer to inject, are sometimes still required.
The Voiceover.
The Transitions.
All the things that make reading a script different than reading a story.
Although it is a story.
It is still technical.
And structured...
unlike this blog.