Today is My Super Bowl of Sundays!
The Oscars!
I cannot describe all the feels I get while watching this Award Show.
Well, I mean I properly could, but would you really want to hear it?
Not everybody gets my vibe on this.
But you know who does, my kids & my husband.
Our little Fab Four.
It's a thing in our house.
It has been for as long as I can remember.
We break out the "good" snacks & the bubbly.
Then we hunker in for the long haul.
All the hours of it.
From the Red Carpet Pre Show to the Final Award speech.
We analyze & critique.
We clap.
We cheer.
We may even cry at a speech or two.
Heck, I might even shed a tear tonight missing one of our Fab Four who now lives across the country.