Numbers have always been something for me.
Meant something.
I think I might've wrote about that somewhere in and amongst these four hundred some odd blog posts.
Number Sequences.
Mean something.
What you take of it or choose not to, is completely up to you.
But perhaps it would do us all some good if we find a connection to something more.
Humanity needs it.
Our world needs it.
I've always had connection to something more.
Some of you know that. Some of you have shared in it. Some of you have been witness to it.
Numbers has always been one of them.
You heard me correctly, that's only one of the ways that I connect.
Seems the more I write, the more openly real that I get.
As I sit here typing, I'm becoming quite irritated by the AI prompts that keep popping up in this updated version of the web program that I use. Using AI would completely defeat my entire purpose for coming here. And it's also very distracting. But I did not come here to complain or be negative.
Earlier today I was in the middle of doing something and suddenly, out of no where, the dream that I had had very early this morning dropped into my mind. Like a sudden download of a vivid movie. I stopped right in the middle of what I was doing and picked up my dream journal. Yes. I have more than one journal. If you know me, you won't be surprised by that. I thrive off organization. Perhaps quite Type A with many things.
One of them being words and writing.
Ask anyone who has ever seen me restart paperwork due to a couple of my own minuscule errors or faulty penmanship.
SO anyway, back to my journal.
I always write the date and time.
I looked at my watch, 11:11.
I looked at the date, Feb 26th.
Then it hit me,
It's five months today that my mom unexpectedly passed away.
My dream wasn't only a dream.
It was a conversation with my mom...
She always believed in things bigger than us.
It’s miraculous and almost hauntingly sad how much insight and wisdom I procured about my mom the moment I realized that I will never see her again. We never had a bad relationship; in fact, we had a great one. I just know I could’ve been more.
Another thing some of you know about me.
But more of you do not.
Very early morning, I have massive creativity with my writing. That is something I'm sure I've shared here.
But what I feel I haven't shared,
is that I often "dream" about things that are;
things that I am unaware of or things that are to be.
Another way I've connected since I was a kid.
Another thing some of you have been witness to because of the things I've shared with you.
Wow, I'm really sharing now.
And as I hesitate to say more, I hear a beautiful voice singing through my TV, an artist I don't recognize. So I look up ... and the time reads 1:11.
And I feel that's my cue to stop. I'll save the rest for another day.
All I want to finish with is this;
Believe in things greater than you, bigger than you.
Believe in the energy you feel.
Believe that anything is possible, because it is.
Believe that things can get better.
Believe that optimism is always better than pessimism.
Believe in your intuition.
Believe in yourself.
And just remember to love.
Always come from a place of love.
Wisdom doesn't only come with age.
It also comes from life lived and lives lost.