On this Friday,
the last Friday in August,
I have woken with a ton of energy.
My insides are like static ~ creative energy tingling to burst through my finger tips.
This is the way it happens for me,
I slowly rise
from that in between stage of sleep to wake
and seem to linger there for a bit.
refined ideas
of current works
fill my mind.
Or fresh ideas for new works
come forward.
They line up
like models on a runway,
stepping forward
for my critiques.
Or like pages of a picture book,
that I tear out
one by one
to either
for later
or crumple up and toss away.
Light bulb moments.
This space in my mind
are where my creative juices flow freely
Without negative judgement
from myself.
This is ‘HYPNOPOMPIC STATE’ ~ associated with the semiconsciousness preceding waking
It is a time when our minds are open to creative and intuitive epiphanies…
My mind has been Wide Open to both of these areas
for all of my entire life.