Four days.
I went Four Entire Days without coming here.
No posts.
No words.
No thoughts.
No sharing.
MAJOR disappointment.
Four days that I thought...
I need to get there
What will I write about?
What do I have to say?
I had some thoughts.
I took a few notes.
While I was on a break at work.
And then some days I didn't get breaks.
SO just thoughts.
No notes.
And before I knew it
one day led to the next
then to the next
and then to the next.
And now today.
I'm here
That's the thing about creativity...
it can get sucked dry
or buried
the stress
and exhaustion.
of day to day life.
And I'm hard on myself
I am the first to admit that
I'm super critical
of even the smallest things.
And I realized yesterday
during a conversation with my son
that he is the very same way
with himself...
and I may have taught him that.
And for that,
I am truly so very sorry.
And as I told him
he needs to not be so hard on himself
and not be so critical
because he's probably internally amplifying
something small
into something BIG
the same way that I do...
SO here I am on this Monday.
Apologizing to myself
for letting myself down.
Hoping that I
will not do it again....
but knowing that
I am only human.