A start of a new week.
But it's another weekend day for me.
Another day off
I return to work.
A work day that will
be followed by a day of school...
but it will be my very last school day,
of my current program.
It's unbelievable for me to grasp.
I finish my Screenwriting program
this week!?!?!
The program that I gave up my full time job for.
The leap that I was so nervous
but so certain
I knew I had to take.
I'm filled with a mixture
of emotions ~
I'm elated to be completing it
but feeling a bit incomplete.
Did I accomplish all that I wanted to?
Did I learn all that I could?
Did I take the time for granted?
Did I procrastinate?
Could I have done more?
Typical me.
Questioning if I did enough,
If I am enough...
Instead I should just be clapping for my damn self.