This is blog post
One Hundred and Ninety Eight
One hundred and Ninety Eight times
I've come here -
well it's actually 199
I wrote twice in one day,
back in May.
So, its been
One Hundred & Ninety Eight days
of coming here
to write...
perhaps even
a little bit of nothing.
And Sometimes
it's been a lot
of heart
and raw
authentic truth.
But I've always been consistent.
That counts for something.
This undertaking
has been a big one.
It might sound easy
but it isn't
well, not always.
Sometimes thoughts flow
like a good conversation.
Those are the easy days.
Other times
my thoughts
are a bit...
Especially on days
when my thoughts
are laser focused
on a script
I'm in the midst of writing.
Like today.
Two scripts actually.
Two that I'm eager to edit
and shift around
and polish.
And it's all that I can think about this morning.
But I'm here.
Committing to me.
Because its the little consistent steps
that turn into
the BIG steps.
Showing up
for Me ~
stepping toward
the shifts and changes
that I want to make...
for Me.
I hope that you
show up
for You.
I hope that You
Commit to your
and goals
and chase them
You're worth it.
I'm learning that I am too.