My brother recently was at our house for a visit.
I may have mentioned somewhere throughout these pages that he lives across the country.
So, Our visits are few and far between.
Funny thing about siblings,
when you're little you'd wish they'd go away...
and when they're away,
you wish they were near.
That has been a majority of our relationship.
At least for me anyway.
We sat outside
in the warm summer weather...
the summer is the best for long unhurried conversation.
We sat talking till late at night,
Despite his early flight the next morning.
We Talked about everything and anything.
The type of Depth of conversation
that can only be shared with few.
One topic came up.
An incident.
Or near incident...
It's amazing the memories that young brains retain.
At the time of this memory
I would've been the age of 3.
My brother would've been 5, nearing 6.
We've spoke about this memory in the past.
The details we both recall.
The specifics that mirror each.
The pieces that connect and mesh.
The questions we have unanswered.
Every time it comes up
it brings with it a little more fear
which is always
followed by gratitude.
We both agree that this memory
clung to our brains
because of the significance
of it's potential
to be
a major
life altering event.
My brother has mentioned
that he feels
that one of his reasons
for being here
on this earth,
was so that he could intervene
at that moment so many years ago.
This story takes place in Florida...
I'll share more tomorrow.