Today has been a weird one.
The synchronization of different forces lining up,
coming together.
Pointing out truths.
Even if the pill Is hard to swallow.
The universe at work.
My morning started with waking from an Odd 'dream'.
Of someone who is deceased.
I remember it now many, many hours later
with a full visual perspective.
The words.
The feelings.
The emotions.
The sensations it all brought together.
I pulled out all of my cards as I poured a cup of camomile.
Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards, Oracle Cards, Tarot...
feeling the need to connect.
Find an explanation.
Although my first sense,
my intuition,
my inner cohesiveness,
already knew the answer
that I was seeking.
And as the day progressed.
I realized I've had a similar occurrence,
a similar 'dream' as some may call it,
many many years ago.
But it was with
someone different,
someone else who had passed on.
An interaction
that I can remember vividly.
The words exchanged
between our souls
encapsulated in my brain
like a childhood nursery rhyme that I could never forget.
But today was different.
Although the position in which we sat was the same,
This was different.
It was dark,
compared to the previous occurrence
with another soul
being light & bright.
Today has been a day
of depth...
A day of
Judge away if you must.
I'll just sit here and wrap myself up in a protection bubble of light & love.