My brother and I are the only children of our parents.
Two of us.
Just Two siblings.
Tomorrow morning he flies home
Vancouver Island
As we sat in the back yard this evening
it was if no time has past
I mean, we did see him in May
when we visited the island
but that's not what I meant
On a deeper level
it's as if no time ever passes
our connection
our sibling-ness
always remains preserved
If not enhanced
The thing that has changed
for the better
as we age
and both evolve
is the ability
to be more open
express our truths
without fear
So as we said see ya later
on the porch
this evening
and locked into a long
over extended hug ~
a rock filled my stomach
and my eyes stung with tears
Because the sad thing is
I don't know
the next time I'll see him
That part hurts.