This holiday weekend
will always be a reminder of my joy & appreciation
for the Amazing guy in the photo.
It is also my appreciation for our incredible healthcare system
healthcare Providers,
both which often go so unappreciated...
even more so over the past couple of years.
On This holiday weekend,
years ago,
this guy tried WAY too hard to come into this world 10 weeks too soon,
putting us both in a critical situation.
All the while,
my husband was away on a fishing trip.
Oblivious to the situation.
Happily enjoying the long weekend away from everyday life.
This was before the time of cell phone reception
actually being a thing
while camping
on a little lake
far, far Up North.
So I was often
While fighting an emotional and medical battle.
Repetitive Story of my life.
But the little old soul in this photo,
he fought SO hard to persevere
and ~
so did I.
And we did.
I think that is where our cohesive intuitive bond began.
I was so proud of him then
I am so very proud of him now ~
for the man he has grown up to be.
Back then it seemed like he just couldn't wait
to make his way into this world
I'd say
he's been doing a pretty great job
of making his mark
in this world
thus far!
Happy ALMOST Birthday to my boy.