I try to be wise with all things in life.
I've been through many hurdles, learned a thing or two.
I try to bring that self awareness forward into the present.
In tense moments, I know to take a deep breath and count to ten.
Well, at the very least five.
In wonderful moments I know to take a deep breath
count to ten
and soak it all in.
Wisdom is a journey.
It's the hindsight moments that make us wise.
The shoulda, woulda, coulda lightbulb flashes.
The "if I could do it again"...
The thing is
we don't get to do it again.
No moment can be replicated.
This is it.
No dress rehearsal.
I don't know about you,
but I don't want to look back years from now and say "I wish I had...".
So get out there and chase all of those things that you want.
Timing is everything, sure.
I agree.
But don't use that phrase as an excuse.
What life has taught us all over the last two years is that not much is certain.
Life is uncomfortable.
And shifting.
And unpredictable.
But if during all of those shifty, uncertain times your dreams still echo in your mind.
It's for a reason.
So pay yourself some respect and Listen to the inner you.